This was the first picture I took in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
They have strange inhabitants here!
This guy was out walking his dog.
You can understand that I got right out of the way pretty quickly after taking this photo!
This statue is called "el caminante" (the walker or hiker) by Juan José Eguizábal.
Like all Spanish cities I've been to, the heart of the modern city of Vitoria-Gasteiz is centred around the old town, with it's narrow cobbled streets, and virtually totally pedestrianised. The bars around the old quarter are very lively, and stay open late. My intention in coming here was to be able to commute to Pamplona for a day, and enjoy the fiesta San Fermin. However, "El enciero", the running of the bulls, starts at 8 a.m. each day, so to be able to get a vantage point, the train I would need to get from Vitoria left at 6 a.m.
As I was out until 3 every morning getting to know
this new city, alas, I never made it to Pamplona. My new Kiwi mate, Sean, was partying there for several days, though, and he will hopefully write an entry for this blog, telling us all about it!
He flew back to Newcastle (where he is currently working), from Vitoria, so we had a chance to meet up before he left. He was extremely knackered, and had clearly enjoyed the festivities to the full!
The Pension I found was excellent, a larger room than the one in Zaragoza, with a double bed and sink, and very clean. Pension Eguileta was superb value for a hotel in Vitoria at €20 a night.